Oxford University Physics Society - Dr David Lucas, Quantum Computing
Lindemann Lecture Theatre, Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PU
Thu November 5th, 2015 20:15 to Thu November 5th, 2015 21:00
Oxford University Physics Society Michaelmas 2015 Talks
Week 4: David Lucas
David’s research work focuses on quantum computers. We are incredibly lucky to be in Oxford at this time, in the past twelve months, all the quantum logic operations have been demonstrated within the experimental precision required to build a quantum computer. And this has been done right here in the Clarendon! If you are interested in a PhD in quantum computing, or research in this area, or just generally are interested in quantum computing, you must come to this talk!
Talks are generally on Thursdays at 8:15PM in the Lindemann Lecture Theatre.£10 Life membership, £4 per talk for non-members.