NQIT Annual Report 2019

NQIT has published its Annual Report 2019, showing the progress that we have made in the fourth year of NQIT's five-year programme. The Annual Report provides an overview of all of our work during 2018 and the work that will be done in the final year of NQIT's programme.

In his foreword, NQIT Director Ian Walmsley concluded:

More than three quarters of the way through NQIT's five-year programme, it is heartening to see NQIT's vision becoming a reality, positioning the UK to be a leader in delivering the next information revolution.

With updates from our work streams, enhanced with images and diagrams, we show the significant progress being made in our hardware programme of developing quantum networks for computing and simulation, in our software and application programme developing algorithms and protocols for using such machines and in building a larger user community for current and future quantum computing devices.

Recent achievements include:

Achievements diagram

This year's Annual Report cover features a micro-machined enclosure for a superconducting circuit for quantum computing, designed for scalability, taken by graduate student Peter Spring.

Annual Report 2019
