2016 National Quantum Technologies Showcase

Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (QEII), Broad Sanctuary, London, SW1P 3EE

Thu November 3rd, 2016 08:30 to Thu November 3rd, 2016 16:30

This one-day event is a showcase event to highlight the exciting new quantum technologies that are being developed by the Quantum Technology Hubs and our industrial partners.

The UK National Quantum Technologies Programme is a £270m investment over five years, aimed at accelerating the translation of quantum technologies into the marketplace, boosting British business and making a real difference to our everyday lives. The vision is to create a coherent quantum technology community that gives the UK a world-leading position in the emerging multi-billion-pound new quantum technology markets, and to substantially enhance the value of some of the biggest UK-based industries. The programme supports investments in research, innovation, skills and technology demonstration to help UK industry to commercialise these new technologies.

Following on from the success of the first national quantum technologies showcase last year, the 2016 event will highlight the relationship with industry and the programme’s potential for the creation of new markets and economic benefit, while showcasing technological demonstrators from the quantum technology hub network, alongside the work of the Quantum Metrology Institute and parallel industrial projects funded by Innovate UK, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and the EPSRC. 

Join us on the day to meet some of the researchers and industrialists driving these developments and for the opportunity to experience first hand some of the capabilities of the next generation of quantum technologies. 

The 2nd National Quantum Technologies showcase is being organised by the Network of four Quantum Technology Hubs, in association with programme stakeholders - EPSRC, Innovate UK, BIS, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN).

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