Oxford China Lecture 2017: Quantum technology: A new era in computing
Sat July 22nd, 2017 15:15 to Sat July 22nd, 2017 18:00
The realisation of quantum computers will be one of the greatest scientific and engineering achievements of this century, creating machines with the potential to solve problems that would take a conventional high-performance computer the lifetime of the universe to crack.
Although a fully quantum computer is years away from development, the disruptive potential of quantum machines is attracting growing interest and investment from industry and governments globally, inspiring the growth of the next trillion dollar tech market.
Designed for a non-technical audience, this lecture will introduce the counter-intuitive features of the quantum world that are being harnessed to create quantum computers, the challenges scientists and engineers have yet to overcome in order to build such a machine, and the breakthroughs at the University of Oxford that are paving the way for the Q20:20, the world’s first working quantum processor. A panel of business and academic leaders will discuss how this new generation of computers will create new market opportunities and impact the lives of people in China and around the world in the decades ahead.
The Oxford China Lecture
Building on the University’s long tradition of public lectures, the Oxford China Lecture connects audiences in China with some of the most powerful ideas generated by Oxford research. Similar lectures held around the world have explored the future of cities, cyber security, the new age of robotics and the gene revolution.
Hosted by Vice-Chancellor Louise Richardson in Beijing, this year’s lecture by Professor Ian Walmsley will provide an accessible overview of the science and engineering behind quantum computing and the breakthroughs at Oxford that are paving the way for the Q20:20, the world’s first working quantum processor. A panel discussion will explore the future commercial and social impact of quantum technology.