Dr Rupesh Srivastava
Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford (OX1 3PU)
Dr Rupesh Srivastava works for NQIT User Engagement, where his role is to help create and shape a quantum computing industry for the UK, engaging with key stakeholders such as industry and government – on regional, national and global levels.
Rupesh is responsible for the "Quantum Readiness Programme", sector-based initiatives such as "Quantum Computing for Space", authoring key reports, which include "The Commercial Prospects for Quantum Computing", and the Science and Innovation Audit for Oxfordshire (a report for the UK Government). Rupesh also manages the IBM Q Network Hub at Oxford, a collaboration between IBM and Oxford University.
Rupesh has more than 20 years experience in hi-tech software start-ups and technical consultancy, and holds a PhD in Physics from Royal Holloway, University of London.